
Resetting Quizzes/Exams Video:

Resetting Quizzes/Exams

Quizzes can be reset for students by either setting a User override, or deleting a quiz attempt. The User overrides feature allows you to grant students another try on a quiz/exam, or access to a quiz/exam after its due date has passed.

Alternately, deleting a quiz/exam attempt removes it from the system so that the student may try again. Please note, once a quiz/exam attempt has been deleted, it may not be recovered. For the sake of retaining student history, we do not recommend deleting quiz/exam attempts.

To set a User override:

  1. From your course home page, click on the desired quiz or exam.
  2. On your Administration block (typically located in the top-left corner), click 'User overrides.' Please note that you may need to click 'Quiz administration' first to see the 'User overrides' option.
  3. Click 'Add user override.' Please note, when the override screen appears, the 'search' and 'Require password' fields occasionally auto-fill with your username and password. Make sure to delete these entries before proceeding.
  4. In the search box, enter the name of the student whose quiz/exam you wish to reset.
  5. To adjust the deadline for this student, check 'Enable' and adjust the open and close dates as necessary. Please note, once the end date and time of a quiz has elapsed, all active quiz attempts will automatically close, even if students' time limits are not yet up. With this in mind, we recommend avoiding extremely narrow test-taking windows, to ensure students receive adequate time to complete their attempts. 
  6. If you want to set a time limit for this student, check the 'Time limit' box and adjust as necessary.
  7. In the 'Attempts allowed' dropdown menu, select the number of attempts. It may be helpful to first check the gradebook to determine how many attempts this student has already completed. (Typically, every student has one attempt to begin with. To allow for a second attempt, you will need to select '2' for the allowed attempts.)
  8. Once your changes are complete, click 'Save.'
  9. If an overridden grade of zero has been entered for this student's quiz, it must be removed before they can reattempt it. Otherwise, the gradebook will continue to display the locked overridden grade.
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  To delete a quiz/exam attempt:

  1. From your course home page, click on the desired quiz/exam.
  2. Click 'Attempts' to pull up a list of submissions from your entire class.
  3. Select the desired student by checking the box next to their name.
  4. Click 'Delete selected attempts.' This will permanently remove their attempt from the system.
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