
Viewing Your Grades

Viewing Your Grades

To view your grades:

  1. Click “My Grades” from your course menu bar. This will pull up your user report with your grades for the course.
  2. The “Grade item” column on the left displays all weighted assignments, quizzes, and exams in the course.
  3. Once an item has been graded, the grade will appear in the “Percentage” and “Letter Grade” columns.
  4. To review a graded written assignment, click on the assignment in the “Grade item” column. This will redirect you to the assignment’s submission page, which has such information as when your assignment was submitted, when it was graded, any comments your instructor made, and the grade you received.
  5. To review a graded quiz, click on the quiz in the “Grade item” column.
    • Click “Review” next to any of your attempts on the quiz to view the time and date of your submission, as well as all of your recorded responses.
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