Taking a Quiz or Exam
To take a quiz or exam:
- From your class homepage, click on the quiz you want to take.
- Click “Attempt Now.”
- In the confirmation window, click “Start attempt.”
- Select an answer and click “Submit.” Please note, you must click “Submit” before clicking “Next” or your answer will not be recorded. By default, most quizzes/exams do not allow students to skip questions or change their answers. Please only click 'Submit' when you are certain you want to submit your answer and move on to the next question.
- Click 'Next' to move on to the next question.
- To flag a question, click the flag icon to the left of the question. Please note, flagging a question will not allow you to change your answer. Flagged questions simply allow you to bookmark a question for easy reference once the quiz is complete.
- To view your progress in the quiz, reference the “Quiz navigation” below the question pane.
- Once you have answered all questions in the quiz, click “Submit all and finish.”
- Confirm that you would like to "Submit all and finish." This will close your quiz and save your recorded responses for your instructor to review. Please note, failing to click “Submit all and finish” may result in an incomplete quiz.
- If your instructor has allowed for multiple quiz attempts, you will see the option to 'Re-attempt' the next time you access this quiz from your course homepage.
Please note: If your course is integrated through your school’s Canvas, Blackboard, or D2L Brightspace platform, we strongly discourage opening lesson pages in new tabs during an active quiz attempt. Having multiple session tabs open during your quiz attempt can result in irregular behavior and may result in your quiz attempt closing unexpectedly. If you encounter this behavior and are navigated away from your quiz unexpectedly during an active quiz attempt, simply return to the course homepage and access your quiz again. As long as your time limit has not passed, you should be able to resume your attempt.