
Creating Announcements with the Announcements Block

Creating Announcements with the Announcements Block

To create a new announcement:

  1. On your course homepage, locate the 'Instructor Announcements' block on the right-hand block panel.
  2. Click 'Create new.'
  3. Enter a title for your announcement in the 'Announcement Title' box.
  4. Enter your text in the 'Announcement Text' box.
  5. If desired, drag and drop any attachments.
  6. Adjust the visibility of your announcement by modifying the start/end dates and times as necessary. (Please note, announcements that are no longer visible will appear dark gray on the Announcements block.)
  7. If you would like students to be notified, check the box to 'Send Notification to Students.'
  8. Once your changes are complete, click 'Save changes.'

To export announcements from a previous course:

  1.  On your course homepage, locate the 'Instructor Announcements' block on the right-hand block panel.
  2. Click 'Export.'
  3. In the 'Export From' dropdown menu, select which course to copy announcements from.
  4. To copy all available announcements, check the 'Select All' box. Alternately, check individual boxes to copy select announcements.
  5. In the 'Export To' dropdown menu, select the course you want the announcements copied to.
  6. Click 'Submit.'

To edit an existing announcement:

  1.  On your course homepage, locate the announcement you wish to edit on the 'Instructor Announcements' block (right-hand block panel).
  2. Click the cogwheel icon to the right of the announcement.
  3. Modify the announcement title, text, attachments, and start and end dates as desired.
  4. If you would like students to be notified, check the box to 'Send Notification to Students.'
  5. Once your changes are complete, click 'Save changes.'
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