
Adjusting Completion Settings - Written Assignments

Adjusting Completion Settings for Written Assignments

The Activity Completion Tracking is a bookmarking tool that tracks students’ progress using check boxes on the course homepage. This tool is driven by each course item’s activity completion settings, which dictate the requirements that must be met before an activity can be marked as complete.

By default, written assignments are set to: 'Show activity as complete when conditions are met.' With this setting, written assignments are marked complete when any or all of the following conditions are met:

  • Students view the assignment
  • Students receive grades for the assignment
  • Students upload their submissions *current default setting*

To change a written assignment’s default settings:

  1. From your course homepage, click on the assignment.
  2. On the Administration block, click 'Edit settings.'
  3. Expand the 'Activity Completion' panel near the bottom of the page.
  4. In the 'Completion tracking' dropdown menu, 'Show activity as complete when conditions are met' should be selected.
  5. Click to enable any or all of the following options:
    • Require view - When enabled, this assignment is marked complete once a student views it.
    • Require grade - When enabled, this assignment is marked complete once a student receives a grade.
    • Student must submit to this activity to complete it – When enabled, this assignment is marked complete once a student uploads their submission. This is the current default setting for all written assignments.
  6. Once your changes are complete, click 'Save and return to course.'


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