
Discussion Forum Types and Subscriptions

Discussion Forum Types

Discussion forum types dictate how students can participate in your course forums. By default, any existing forums in your course are set to: 'A single simple discussion.' With this setting, students must post their responses and replies within one discussion topic. They will not be able to create new discussion topics of their own.

When creating a new discussion forum, there are a total of five forum types to select from:

  1. Standard forums displayed in a blog-like format – General forums in which students can post multiple topics, which are then displayed in a blog-like format.
  2. Standard forum for general use – General forums in which students can post multiple topics and replies.
  3. A single simple discussion – Forum in which students reply to a single discussion topic.
  4. Each person posts one discussion – Forum in which each student creates one new discussion topic, though they may respond to other students’ topics and comments.
  5. Q and A forum – Forum in which a teacher posts a question as the discussion topic, and students reply with their answers. In this forum, students can only see their classmates’ responses after they have responded to the post themselves.

Discussion Forum Subscriptions 

Discussion forum subscription modes dictate how often users receive forum notifications. By default, any existing forums in your course are set to 'Optional subscription.' With this setting, users can voluntarily select to receive updates.

When creating a new discussion forum, there are a total of four subscription modes to select from:

  1. Subscription disabled – Prevents users from receiving updates.
  2. Optional subscription – Users can opt to receive forum notifications.
  3. Auto subscription – Users are automatically enrolled in notifications, but can elect to unsubscribe.
  4. Forced subscription – All users are subscribed to forum notifications and are unable to opt out. To ensure you receive all forum-related notifications via your assignment notifications icon on your instructor menu bar, please select 'Forced subscription' when creating new forums.


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