
Student Registration Process

Student Registration Process

Please note, the student registration process varies depending on whether your course is hosted on our C4ELink platform, or integrated within your school's Canvas, Blackboard, or D2L Brightspace platforms. To help prevent confusion, please be sure you are providing students with the correct registration process for their course. 

Registering for a Course Hosted on C4ELink:

  1. Students can purchase access codes from the campus bookstore or through Connect For Education's Online Store.
  2. Students can register their 14-digit access codes on our registration page.
  3. After registering, students can log in and begin their course work on our site,

Registering for an LTI Course Integrated Within Your School's Canvas/Blackboard/D2L Brightspace Platforms:

  1. Students can purchase access codes from the campus bookstore or through Connect For Education's Online Store.
  2. Students can register their 14-digit access codes by accessing the LTI link to the course text within your Canvas/Blackboard/D2L course shell. The first time they access the text, they will be prompted to enter their access codes to 'unlock' the course content. Once this is complete, students should be able to view the course and begin their work. For step-by-step instructions and help on registering for an LTI course, students may reference our FAQ here

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