Completion Progress Block
If you are teaching a course on our C4ELink course site (and not through our LTI platform), you can use the Completion Progress block to help track students' course progress. This block is driven by activity completion settings and uses a color-coded progress bar to indicate whether assignments, forums, quizzes, and exams have been completed. Students will see green boxes for all completed items, while navy boxes represent items not yet completed.
As an instructor, you will only see a sample progress bar on your completion progress block. Clicking 'Overview of students' will display progress bars for all of your students:
From this page, you can also view students' last access to your course, as well as their course progress percentages. You can also easily message one or more students by checking the checkboxes to the left, then selecting the 'Send a Message' option at the bottom of this page:
This may be helpful if you notice some students have not completed any work or reached an important milestone yet and would like to message them a quick reminder!
Please note: If a new weighted item is added to your course after the completion progress block becomes active, the block must be reconfigured to display this new item.

To reconfigure the block:
- From your course home page, enable editing by clicking the green gear menu icon (top right of the screen), and selecting 'Turn editing on.'
- Click the cogwheel icon on the right of the block.
- Select 'Configure Completion Progress block.'
- In the 'Block settings' pane, select 'Show more...'
- In the 'Select activities' menu, hold down the Control key and click to highlight the newly added item.
- Once your changes are complete, click 'Save changes.'