
Taking Notes in Your Course

Taking Notes in Your Course

Using the note-taking annotator allows you to highlight and comment on text in any of the content pages. These notes are then conveniently stored under "My Annotations" in your course menu bar.

To create a new annotation:

  1. From a content page, highlight the desired portion of text.
  2. Click the pencil icon that appears above your highlighted text.
  3. Enter your notes in the text box.
  4. Click "Save" to save your annotation.

To view your annotations:

  1. From the course menu bar, click "My Coursework" and select "My Annotations" from the dropdown menu.
  2. Click on a bolded chapter to view your annotations and comments for that chapter.
  3. Click on blue text to navigate to an annotation's corresponding content page.
  4. On any content page, hover over highlighted text to:
    • View your comments.
    • Edit your comments by clikcing the pencil icon.
    • Delete your comments by clicking the X icon.

Please note: If you are accessing your course via your school's Learning Management System (via Blackboard or Canvas), these options may be limited based on your instructor's unique setup.

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