
Populating Your Custom Pool - Creating New Questions

Populating Your Custom Pool - Creating New Questions

When creating new questions from scratch, you can pick from several available question types. The most commonly-used types are:

  • Multiple Choice – Students can select from set of possible answers.
  • Short Answer – Students can type words or phrases as answers.
  • True/False – Students select whether questions are true or false.

To create a new quiz question:

  1. From the 'Instructor Tools' menu, select 'My Question Pools.'
  2. In the 'My Custom Pools' pane, locate the desired question pool. (Remember, you will need to create a custom question pool first).
  3. Click 'Add' in the 'Add Questions' column.
  4. Select a question type and click 'Add.'
  5. Select your custom pool from the 'Question Pool' dropdown menu.
  6. Enter text for your question and answers.
  7. Indicate the correct answer by selecting '100%' as its grade.
  8. Enter any desired feedback for correct and incorrect answers.
  9. Click 'Save changes.'
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