
Populating Your Custom Pool - Template Quiz Questions

Populating Your Custom Pool - Template Quiz Questions

 To add standard template questions to your custom pool:

  1. From the 'Instructor Tools' menu, select 'My Question Pools.' This will populate a list of all questionpools in your course, as well as any custom pools you have created.
  2. To view a specific pool, locate the desired template quiz you wish to view, and click the value in the 'No. of Questions' column.
  3. Locate the template question you wish to add to your custom pool. (Questions can be previewed by clicking the magnifying glass icon to the right of the question title.)
  4. Duplicate this question by clicking the copy icon to the left of the magnifying glass icon.
  5. Uncheck 'Use this Questionpool.'
  6. Select your custom quiz pool in the 'Save in Questionpool' dropdown menu.
  7. Click 'Save changes.' This unedited template question will now appear in your custom pool.

To modify template quiz questions for your custom pool:

  1. From the 'Instructor Tools' menu, select 'My Question Pools.'
  2. Locate the desired quiz and click the value in the 'No. of Questions' column.
  3. Find the template question you wish to edit.
  4. Duplicate this question by clicking the copy icon to the left of the magnifying glass icon. 
  5. Uncheck 'Use this Questionpool.'
  6. Select your custom quiz pool from the 'Save in Questionpool' dropdown menu.
  7. Make any desired changes to the question title and text, answers, and feedback as necessary.
  8. Once your changes are complete, click 'Save changes.' Your edited question will now appear in the selected custom questionpool.
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