
Gradebook - User Report Video:

Gradebook - User Report

The User Report is a comprehensive snapshot of an individual student’s gradebook. This report displays:

  • all weighted course items and their values
  • items which require grading
  • instructor comments
  • student’s grades and percentages for completed assignments
  • student’s overall course grade
  • coursework deadlines and 'date submitted' information

Note: From a student's User Report, you can click on any completed assessment to review that student's quiz attempt in detail.

To access a User Report:

  1. Access your gradebook from the menu bar above your course home page.
  2. From the dropdown menu on the left, click 'User report.'
  3. From the 'Select all or one user' dropdown menu, select the desired user(s). This will pull-up the User Report for the selected users.
  4. The 'Grade' and 'Percentage' columns display the grades received thus far by students.
  5. The "Contribution to course total' column reflects how each graded assignment contributes to students' total grades. (Please note, these totals are calculated based on work completed thus far in the course, and will fluctuate as more coursework is completed.)
  6. The 'Date due' and 'Date submitted' columns reflect when coursework is due, and when students submitted any coursework items.
  7. To view assignment/quiz submission details, click any assignment in the 'Grade Item' column.
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