
Changing the DNS Server to Resolve Network Blocking

Changing the DNS Server for Windows 10:

  1. Access the Windows Start menu by clicking the Windows logo in the bottom-left of your screen.
  2. Access the Windows 'Settings' option (this is the gear shaped icon).
  3. Select 'Network & Internet.'
  4. Select 'Change adapter options' (listed under 'Advanced network settings.')
  5. From the 'Network Connections' screen, right-click the connection you want to change the DNS server for. (Note: This will be the connection showing green bars, NOT a red X.)
  6. Select 'Properties.'
  7. Click to highlight 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4),' then click 'Properties.'
  8. Click the radius to 'Use the following DNS server addresses' and enter the following in the 'Preferred DNS server' field:
  9. In the 'Alternate DNS' field, enter:
  10. Click 'Ok' to save your changes.
  11. Once your changes have been saved, return to your course and try accessing your audio again. 

Changing the DNS Server for Windows 11:

  1. Access the Windows Start menu by clicking the Windows logo in the bottom-left of your screen.
  2. Access the Windows 'Settings' option (this is the gear shaped icon).
  3. Select 'Network & Internet.'
  4. Select 'Wi-Fi' (or 'Ethernet' if you are connected via Ethernet cable).
  5. Click 'Edit' to the right of 'DNS server assignment.'
  6. From the drop down menu, select 'Manual.'
  7. Toggle 'IPv4' on.
  8. In the 'Preferred DNS' field, enter:
  9. In the 'Alternate DNS' field, enter:
  10. Click 'Save' to save your changes.
  11. Once your changes have been saved, return to your course and try accessing your audio again. 

Changing the DNS Server for Mac:

  1. Click the Apple icon (top left corner), then select 'System Preferences.' 
  2. Select 'Network.'
  3. From the 'Network' screen, select the connection you want to change the DNS server for. (Note: This will be the connection showing the green circle, NOT a red circle.)
  4. Click 'Advanced.'
  5. Select the 'DNS' tab.
  6. Click the + icon (located below the DNS Servers menu).
  7. Enter the following as your primary DNS:
  8. Enter the following as your secondary DNS:
  9. Click 'Ok' to save your changes.
  10. Click 'Apply' to apply your updates.
  11. Once your changes have been saved, return to your course and try accessing your audio again. 
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