Viewing Quiz Question Statistics
To view general information regarding the quiz questions presented to students, you may use the 'View Stats' function to see such information as 'Number of Times Used' and 'Average Score.' This allows you to get an understanding of how students interact with these quiz questions.
Please note, if you are reviewing the stats for template quiz questions, you will see statistics reflect usage across the ENTIRE course site. These stats will not be limited to just your course.
To access 'View Stats':
- From your user dashboard, access the 'Question pools' block (typically docked on the top-left of the course site) and select 'My Question Pools':
- Locate the desired question pool and select 'View Stats' from the far right column:
Please note: This may take some time to populate as the data generated is site-wide. - Once the results have populated, you may reference each column to review pertinent information for each question: