
Uploading Files or Media to Your Course

Uploading Files or Media to Your Course

Most files and media can be easily added by dragging/dropping onto your course homepage. Alternately, you may upload files, documents, and URLs using the 'Add an activity or resource' option. 

To drag/drop files, documents, or external links: 

  1. From your course home page, enable editing by clicking the green gear menu icon (top right of the screen), and selecting 'Turn editing on.'
  2. Drag and hold your file over the desired module. You will see an 'Add file(s) here' field appear at the bottom of the module. 
  3. Drop the file. Students will now be able to access this file directly from the course homepage.
  4. To adjust the placement of your file, simply drag and drop it using the navigational icon to the left of the item. 

To upload a file or document using the 'Add an activity or resource' option:

  1. From your course home page, enable editing by clicking the green editing icon on the top right of the screen.
  2. Locate the module in which you wish to upload your file or document, and select 'Add an activity or resource.'
  3. Select 'File' (located beneath 'Resources').
  4. Enter a title in the 'Name' field.
  5. If desired, enter a description in the optional 'Description' field.
  6. In the 'Content' pane, either drag and drop your file, or click the paper icon to open the file picker and add your file.

    Note: If the file you are uploading is a short video, we also recommend setting the 'Display' option (under 'Appearance') to 'In Pop-Up.' This will open the video link in a pop-up without disrupting the navigational flow of the course.
  7. Once your changes are complete, select 'Save and return to course' or 'Save and display' to save your changes.

To add an external link (i.e, YouTube video or supplementary website) using the 'Add an activity or resource' option: 

  1. From your course home page, enable editing by clicking the green editing icon on the top right of the screen.
  2. Locate the module in which you wish to upload your file or document, and select 'Add an activity or resource.'
  3. Select 'URL' (located beneath 'Resources').
  4. Enter a title in the 'Name' field.
  5. If desired, enter a description in the optional 'Description' field.

    Note: If the URL you are adding is to an external video (i.e., YouTube video), we also recommend setting the 'Display' option (under 'Appearance') to 'Embed.' This will embed the video directly on the page without disrupting the navigational flow of the course.
  6. In the 'Content' pane, enter the URL of your external link.
  7. Once your changes are complete, select 'Save and return to course' or 'Save and display' to save your changes.


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