Messaging and Emailing Students
C4ELink's messaging tool allows for easy and efficient communication with your students. You can find a 'Message' button next to every user profile picture:
From the messaging icon on your course menu bar, you can create new messages, view incoming messages from students, mark all messages as read, or select 'See all' to expand:
You can also access your messages by selecting 'Message' from the 'Connect' menu on your instructor toolbar. The messaging tool opens in a fully functional chat window, allowing you to view conversations in real time, and create messages with the click of a button:
The Message feature allows you to create conversations with selected students and can be accessed by selecting 'Message' from the 'Connect' menu or from the new messaging icon on your instructor menu bar.
To create a new message:
- Access 'Message' from the 'Connect' menu on your course menu bar,
*OR* - Click the messaging icon from your menu bar.
- Select 'New message' or 'See All.'
- Select a course from the list of available courses.
- Select a contact.
- Enter your message in the available message field, and click 'Send.'
- To view other existing conversations, click 'Messages.'
- To create new conversations, click 'Contacts' to select a new course contact.
To delete old messages:
- Access 'Message' from the 'Connect' menu on your course menu bar,
*OR* - Click the messaging icon from your menu bar.
- Click a specific conversation, or 'See all.'
- Select the conversation you wish to delete, and click 'Edit.'
- To delete selected messages only, click to select specific messages and then click 'Delete selected messages.'
- To delete the entire conversation thread, click 'Delete all.'
- Repeat as necessary for any remaining conversations/messages.
Email Students
The Email Students feature can be used to send mass emails and attachments to larger groups of students. To send an email:
- From the course menu bar, click 'Connect,' and select 'Email Students” from the dropdown menu.
- To select recipients, click on their names in the 'Potential Recipients' table, and then click 'Add.'
- To add any users not in your class, enter their email addresses in the 'Additional Emails' box. You may also add your own email address to this field to receive a copy.
- Upload any desired attachments by dragging and dropping them into the 'Attachment(s)' box, or by clicking the icons in the top left of this box.
- Enter your message in the 'Message' field.
- If desired, select your preferred signature.
- Send your email by clicking 'Send Email.' Alternately, you can select 'Save Draft' to save your email. Saved drafts and sent emails can be reviewed by accessing the 'View Drafts' or 'View History' links at the very top of the page (located below 'Quickmail').