Several of the Connect4Education Music courses utilize Spotify® to stream all or some of the course audio. Spotify® is a free music streaming service which provides you with instant access to millions of songs. It can be installed on your device safely and easily.
Courses Requiring Spotify®:
- OnMusic Rock
- OnAmerican Popular Music
- OnMusic Jazz
- OnMusic of the World
Installing/Testing Spotify®:
Click the following link to download/install Spotify®: Download Spotify®
Click the following link to verify that Spotify® works on your computer: Test Spotify®
If the above audio link does not play for you, please re-install Spotify® and try again.
Troubleshooting Difficulties Playing Spotify® Audio:
Some Instructors and students have reported difficulty playing course audio through the Spotify® web player. If you are affected by this issue, we recommend installing Spotify®’s free desktop application onto your computer. Click HERE to proceed with this installation.
Once the desktop application is installed on your computer, all Spotify® links within your course should play through the Spotify® desktop application.
To ensure success playing audio tracks in your course, please follow the steps below:
- Verify that you are logged into both the webplayer ( and the desktop application.
- If the tracks do not play automatically when you click an audio link within your course, access the Spotify® application on your desktop. Select any track and click the play button to play it directly from the Spotify® application. Once you verify you can play a track from the Spotify® application, return to the course and click the audio link again. The track (and any other track in the course) should then play automatically without any difficulty.
Please note, it may also be helpful to adjust the device playback to stream the audio from the desktop application instead of the webplayer. You may do so by opening the desktop application, clicking the computer icon in the bottom right corner, and selecting your preferred device. - If you continue to have difficulties playing audio within your course, please contact the Connect For Education Technical Support Team for further assistance:
- (703) 880-1180 x200
Broken/Incorrect Audio Links:
Music streaming services such as Spotify® regularly add, remove, and change their audio links. Connect4Education performs frequent quality assurance testing to ensure our audio links remain accurate and functional. If, by chance, you encounter a Spotify® link that is no longer functional or plays the incorrect audio piece, please email our technical support team at and we will resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Adjusting Spotify® Privacy Settings:
Spotify allows you to manage and understand your privacy settings, so you can use the Spotify service in the way you want. To view/adjust your web player privacy, please click HERE. Desktop application privacy settings can be adjusted in a similar manner by accessing your account and selecting Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Social.
Spotify® Availability:
Spotify® is available in the United States and other select countries. For a list of countries where Spotify® is currently available, please click HERE.