
Gradebook Setup - Dropping Lowest Grades

Gradebook Setup - Dropping Lowest Grades

You may enable the option to drop students' lowest grades at the category level in the course gradebook. For example, you can set the 'Quizzes' category to drop students' three lowest quiz grades. It may be helpful to enable this option towards the end of the semester to help ensure students' course totals remain accurate throughout the semester.

To drop lowest grades:

  1. Access your gradebook from the menu bar at the top of your course home page.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select 'Gradebook Setup.'
  3. Locate the category you wish to adjust (i.e., the 'Quizzes' category). To the far right of this category (which is denoted by a folder icon), click 'Edit' and select 'Edit settings.'
  4. Click 'Show more' to expand the 'Grade category' pane. 
  5. In the 'Drop the lowest' field, enter the number of lowest grades you wish to drop (i.e., 3).
  6. Click 'Save changes.' The gradebook will now exclude students' lowest grades from their course totals.

Please note that the above steps are for default gradebooks that have been setup with weighted categories. These steps may not apply for 'flat' gradebooks in which weighted categories have been removed.

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