
Written Assignment Rubrics

Written Assignment Rubrics

Grading rubrics can be set at the assignment-level, allowing you to grade submissions based on a series of defined criteria. If you would like to use a rubric for your assignment grading, please note that you will need to set this for each of your course assignments. The following instructions cover defining and setting a new rubric, as well as copying from an existing rubric.

*Please note, rubric grading is not available for written assignments using the eClipz commenting tool. These assignments feature a grading window that is not compatible with rubrics.* 

Defining and setting a new rubric:

  1. From your course homepage, access the written assignment you wish to set a rubric for.
  2. From the Administration block (typically docked to the left of your screen), select 'Edit Settings' to access this assignment's settings.
  3. Locate and expand the 'Grade' pane.
  4. Adjust the 'Grading method' setting to 'Rubric.' The page will refresh, allowing you to select from one of the two options: 'Define new grading form from scratch' or 'Create new grading form from a template.' Alternately, you may also select 'Assignment Administration'>'Advanced Grading'>'Define Rubric' from the Administration block.
  5. Select 'Define new grading form from scratch.'
  6. Add a name and optional description for your rubric.
  7. Use the 'Rubric' section of the page to add/edit your desired criteria for your rubric, using the 'Add criterion' button to add additional criterion. For example, your criteria may include content, style, and accuracy: 

  8. To the right of each criterion, you can add details for each point, as in the example below. To add additional point levels, simply click 'Add level': 

  9. You may also adjust the number of points assigned to each item by clicking into the numerical point value field and entering a new value.
  10. Once you have defined your criteria and point levels, adjust any default settings as desired: 
  11. Once your changes are complete, select 'Save rubric and make it ready.' The saved rubric will now display as 'Ready for use':

    Note: You will be able to copy your saved rubric as a template for other written assignments.

Copying and setting an existing rubric: 

  1. From your course homepage, access the written assignment you wish to set a rubric for.
  2. From the Administration block (typically docked to the left of your screen), select 'Edit Settings' to access this assignment's settings.
  3. Locate and expand the 'Grade' pane.
  4. Adjust the 'Grading method' setting to 'Rubric.' The page will refresh, allowing you to select from one of the two options: 'Define new grading form from scratch' or 'Create new grading form from a template.' Alternately, you may also select 'Assignment Administration'>'Advanced Grading'>'Define Rubric' from the Administration block.
  5. Click 'Create new grading form from a template':

  6. To locate a previously saved rubric, check the 'Include my own forums' checkbox and click 'Search': mceclip4.png
  7. Locate your desired rubric and select the blue 'Use this form as a template' link (located beneath the rubric): 
  8. Click 'Continue' on the confirmation screen to apply this rubric to your written assignment. If you'd like to edit the criteria for this assignment, click 'Edit the current form definition' to open the rubric editing screen. Otherwise, you may click away from this page.

Grading using a rubric: 

Once you have defined and set your rubric for a written assignment, you will see your rubric listed under the 'Grade' pane on the right side of the grading window: 


To grade a student's submission: 

  1. Access the grading window for your desired written assignment.
  2. Select the submission you would like to grade.
  3. On the rubric grid, click to select how many points to award for each criterion.
  4. Enter comments for each criterion, if necessary.
  5. Once your changes are complete, click 'Save changes.' The system will then tally and record a grade based on the points awarded for each criterion and that assignment's max grade.


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