Modifying Your Personal Forum Preferences
There are a variety of options available when adjusting your forum preferences. This article will walk you through adjusting your forum digest and forum notification preferences (as well as subscribing to or unsubscribing from forums). Below is a quick breakdown of each of these options:
- Forum digest: The forum digest dictates the numbers of emails you receive for all forum updates.
- Forum notifications: The forum notifications allows you to select when (online/not online) and how (web/email/both) to receive forum notifications.
To Adjust Your Forum Digest Preferences:
- Above the course menu bar, click on your username next to the thumbnail image.
- Click “Preferences.”
- Click “Forum preferences.”
- Set your default digest setting by selecting an option from the “Email digest type” dropdown menu. There are three available options:
- No digest – With this option, you will receive an e-mail every time a forum is updated
- Digest - complete posts – With this option, you will receive a daily email containing the full content of all updated posts
- Digest - subjects only – With this option, you will receive a daily email containing just the subject of all updated posts
- In the “Forum auto-subscribe” dropdown menu, you can select whether you want to be auto-subscribed to a forum after creating a post.
- In the “Forum tracking” dropdown menu, you can select whether you want the system to track posts you’ve viewed.
- Once your changes are complete, click “Save changes.”
To Adjust Your Forum Notification Preferences:
- Above the course menu bar, click on your username next to the thumbnail image.
- Click “Preferences.”
- Click “Notification preferences.”
- In the "Forum" panel, toggle your desired settings off/on for subscribed forum posts and digests. You may choose to receive web or email notifications when online or offline, or set all options to "Off":
- Once your changes are complete, you may return to your course. All changes will be autosaved.
To Unsubscribe From a Specific Forum:
- Access the desired forum from your course homepage.
- From your Administration block (typically docked on the left), select "Forum administration">"Unsubscribe from this forum."
Note: If you do NOT see this option, this indicates that you are not subscribed to this forum.
To Subscribe/Unsubscribe From All Forums:
- From your course menu bar, select "Discussions." This will load all course discussions on one page.
- Use the orange "Unsubscribe from all forums" or "Subscribe to all forums" links (top right corner) to unsubscribe or unsubscribe. You will then see a banner message indicating that you have been unsubscribed/subscribed.
Please note: If you are accessing your course via your school's Learning Management System (via Canvas, Blackboard, or D2L Brightspace), these options may be limited based on your course's unique setup.