
Exporting Upcoming Events

Exporting Upcoming Events

If your course contains the Upcoming Events block, coursework deadlines can easily be exported using the steps outlined below. Once exported, you can then import your deadlines into Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, or Apple iCalendar for use across a variety of devices.

Please note: Only courses hosted on the C4ELink platform ( will feature the Upcoming Events block. If available, this block can be viewed/accessed from the lower right side of your course homepage and features a preview of all coursework items with upcoming due dates: 


To export your upcoming events:

  1. Locate the Upcoming Events block on the lower right side of your course homepage.
  2. Click 'Go to calendar...' to access the course calendar.
  3. Scroll down and select 'Export calendar.' 
  4. On the 'Export calendar' page, choose which events to export and select the desired time period.
  5. Click 'Export' to save your file locally as an iCal file, or 'Get calendar URL' to export using a URL for use with specific calendar applications. 
  6. You can then import your iCal file (or enter your URL) to your preferred application of choice.
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