Written Assignments - Group Assignments
Our written assignments offer a great deal of flexibility and can be adapted for the use with group assignments. When using group assignments, any student within a defined group can upload a group submission on behalf of their entire group. Similarly, instructors can grade any group member's submission and have that grade be posted for all members within that group.
From the group assignment submissions table, you can easily sort by specific groups (or select 'All Participants' to see all groups) and reference the 'Group' column to quickly see which group students belong to:
If you would like your students to work together and upload their submissions as a group for grading, our team would be happy to assist with the necessary steps to set up your group assignment! From our end, we would define your groups per your specifications and assign these to an existing assignment, or work with you to create a brand new group assignment. If you would like to explore your options for a group assignment, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team at support@connect4education.com or by phone at 703-880-1180 x200 (M-F, 9am-6pm EST).